Monday, October 21, 2013

6th grade descriptive writing: The Rain

Kate Dunkin

The steady falling of cold glistening water from the dreary and overcast sky, drzzles  lazily down the transparent  window pane.  The rain is truly an astounding thing.  It is mother natures laser light show and drippy fireworks all in one.  Stationed outside, attentively all your senses focus on one point... listening to the drip, drip, and the boom, boom, your mind is racing with excitement, drip, drip, boom, boom.  Then the hard dirt melts away like cheese in a microwave, to put it simply, a pig would love it.   Then it stops, and things seem to settle.  
But unanticipatedly, from who knows where, an amazing burst of wild color darts across the blue sky.  The beauty of it takes your breath away.  A neatly spread rainbow shines as freshly as ifout of a story book, then the sun comes out as if newly refreshed after its long drizzling nap. The air is crisp with with a sharp and sweet perfume that smells like roses in bloom.  

The sweet smelling perfume floats up like music from a violin  and seems to brighten the clouds.  Rain is truly an essential part of an amazing and beautiful world.

Tommy McCormick

The Rain

The soft touch of the rains water is soothing.  Its touch is a gratifying part of Earth.  The gentle drops help all the trees and plants grow.  As it falls from the sky it gives you that undescribable feeling.  
The cold evening air is like a sprinkling mist on a summer day.  The lightning that follows along with storm is majestic.  The flash of light that bursts out of the moonlit sky seems like a lantern into darkness.  The shining light of the moon reflects off the drops and you get that mind-blowing experience.  The tranquil night sky is astonishing.  As you walk outside into the rainstorm you get the feeling that the world has stopped rotating and you’re the only person on the planet.
When you go to sleep that night and you can hear those raindrops beatin on your roof you know that the morning will be fantastic.  You wake up to the muggy air.  You rush outside to be met by lush grass and damp dirt.  That moment in time makes the rest of your day joyful bright and early.                                                                                                                                      

Nate Keener
The Rain

 It is amazing to see all of the glistering rain droplets advancing down from the sky and reaching out to hit the screen of my window.  It is an unbelievable feeling to be all dry in your house and then go out and feel the wetness of the raindrops hitting you.
Rainbows are so delightful and elegant when they are in the sky, their beautiful colors brighten up the sky like a lightbulb lighting up your room.  Every time that there is a rainbow, my dad will tell me to come outside and look.  I like taking in the sights and seeing if I can find all of the colors in the rainbow that are supposed to be there.
While it is raining, I am assuming that you want to venture out and frolic while the raindrops are pouring down and smacking you on the top of your head.  An enjoyable thing to do is go out, look up and try to dodge the shower of rain that is flying down.  Or, you could scamper out and find a puddle to run and jump in with friends.
I might suppose that you are dying to hightail it outside and play in the rain. Go out have a blast and afterward, look at the rainbow that the rain has formed. I love the rain, so I think that you should love the rain too.  Enjoy!


  1. I find your descriptions both authentic and lofty. Your writing celebrates the beauty and delight found in something as simple as rain. It was a pleasure to read your pieces and to see the rain through your eyes! Keep writing! :)

  2. I love that these are so different. They show your personalities very well, and make me miss the rain!
