Monday, September 30, 2013

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life...Expressive and Reflective Writing by 7th Grade

Mrs. Lane
Shutdown, Government
Why can’t politicians get along?

People who write books and love to torture me.  I believe that it’s their passion and that they do it on purpose.

Randy May
I wonder why the sky is blue, or why flowers bloom? I wonder why I wonder?                    

Pet Peeves
I hate it when people say Nev-ah-duh instead of Nevada. It also bugs me when people make annoying sounds. I also hate when people spell my name with en instead of an (Tristan,  Tristen). I hate when people (not to say any names Bella , Reillie) poke my dimples.

Braces,Why I Hate
They are so annoying and food gets in them. They hurt me so much sometimes I just want to rip them off.

Brother,Why I Hate My
Brothers why do they even exist?  Seriously, they just annoy you!  Is that their job?  If it is, they are doing a great job at it.  Otherwise, why do they even exist, especially older brothers?!

Dumb Songs
No one cares what the fox says.

Did you know that being Pac-Man is medically impossible?  He goes around eating coins off the ground!  When he finds a one dollar coin, he eats that, it makes him able to eat ghosts, and aren't they supposed go thru you?  When Pac-Man finds a random cherry or onion on the sidewalk, he eats that too. He should have some alien disease!  If I were Pac-Man I would call Namco saying I couldn't go to work because they were making me eat foods that are meant for the kitchen, and making me eat things that belong in someone’s pocket!!!

Bee Line
I make beelines all the time but only to one spot, the kitchen.

Annoying,Things That Annoy Me
* Little sister
* Lazy people  
* Barking dogs
*  Cats (they're just annoying)
* Facebook
* Parents (no offense Mom and Dad)
* 16 year old cousins that talk like babies
* Jess’ chair
* And most of all the (Annoying Orange)

In my perspective everything is nothing and our whole existence is just a spark in the very back of endless time. Infinity will pass like our flesh and bone except time itself is summed through our very essence. Time is imagination and it controls our every move.  In two seconds you could die or live. The death of a petty mosquito can determine the existence of complete universes. Yet, my knowledge cannot be explained for you to understand.      

Space, Outer
Sometimes I ponder about outer space, and how it NEVER ENDS. Then I think about if it did end, what would be outside of it, more space? All the questions I ask in life.

Facebook, Twitter, Etc.
I personally think that they're all stupid.  One time somebody gave me an example of using Facebook, and he said you could use it to talk to somebody you haven't seen in years.  I said if I haven't talked to somebody in years there’s probably a reason.     

I think I have time to do this and that. Then BAM! It’s gone.  

I have always wondered what food reminds me of people in the class. Five examples are: Jordan reminds me of a strawberry because she is sweet. Tristan reminds me of a blueberry because he is sweet and sour. Brennan reminds me of chocolate because she is sweet, and she has many different personalities. Reillie reminds me of a pomegranate because she is tricky, sweet and sour. Patrick reminds me of cinnamon because he is amazing.

Disneyland is really the happiest place on earth.  I mean, people walk in front of you saying that their family is holding their place. How do you know that is the truth?  But you just let those people just walk in front of you, without a fuss, guessing that their family is up there, when maybe they are just trying to skip out on the line.  Isn’t that just so funny!  I guess that just proves Disneyland is the happiest place on earth!  

They can make medicine or authorize people to take it.  I want to be one.  My dad is one and my grandpa on my moms side was one too.  He owned at least five pharmacies in his lifetime.  I used to go to work with my dad every Friday.  While I was there, I learned the ropes of a pharmacy and practically how to be a technician.

Sas 12
Sas 12 is one of my  favorite games because it has zombies and blood. It almost reminds me of Halo, Left for Dead, and Resident Evil because they are  different types of zombie games.  In this game there is a zombie that has worms that come out after you kill the fat zombie.  It also has a butchers knife, and there are zombies ( like a Charger) so beware of a sudden death.

The author of this passage.

I like shredders. They shred stuff with a saw. I also like shredders because they make a VVVVVV noise.


  1. Mrs. Mori:
    Hey there 7th grade! I love your writings, I can definitely hear your voice in all of them.
    They are crackin' me up!!

  2. I am so loving this blog! You all have grown so much since 5th grade. You are all amazing and talented!

  3. Mrs. Mackedon's favorites: Brennan, Patrick and Kenyan! Nice!

  4. Mrs. Mackedon's favorites: Brennan, Patrick and Kenyan! Nice!
